Merovings & Carolings

Merovings-Carolings (common line) [root]

Descendants of PRIARIOS [1]

Descendants of Merovech I 'The Young' of the FRANKS (King of the Salic Franks) [1.1]

Descendants of Dagobert II, King of FRANKS [1.1.1]

Descendants of DE JOINVILLE, Jean I []

Descendants of Caribert DE NEUSTRIE [1.1.2]

Descendants of MELLOBAUDE [2]

Descendants of ARNULF (Saint Arnoul) [2.1]

Descendants of Charles Martel, King of FRANKS [2.1.2]

Descendants of Childebrand I MEROVING [2.1.3]

Houses of Bourbon & Vexin []

House of Vexin []

Descendants of Buvinus of Burgundy []

Descendants of Charles the Great, Emperor CHARLEMAGNE []

House of William the Saint []

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This page was last changed: 8 Feb 2002